Special Operations Additional Resource Program

OHF Immediate Needs

The Immediate Needs program provides direct crisis support to Special Operations personnel and their families.

The Immediate Needs program provides financial assistance for Service Members, Veterans, and their families facing urgent situations. This includes travel and expenses related to medical emergencies, medical and adaptive equipment not covered by government programs, and funeral or memorial costs, including family travel. The program also supports relief or respite care for full-time caregivers, one-time financial assistance for transition or employment opportunities, and other crisis-related needs, such as emergency financial support.

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Operation Healing Forces works closely with several employers and organizations to assist transitioning or retired SOF service members and their families find employment.

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OHF connects Retreat Program and SOAR Program Alumni to tax professionals with experience in how to navigate all tax related aspects.

Alumni Support

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The Operation Healing Forces therapeutic retreat program has grown every year. With over 900 OHF alumni and growing, we recognized that many of our couples need continued assistance following their retreat. The OHF Special Operations Additional Resources (SOAR) program was designed to meet these continued needs.

We maintain a connection with all participants following involvement in any OHF Program.

Financial Planning

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In Partnership with Davenport & Company, LLC, The Valdes Group of Merrill Lynch as well as other Merrill Lynch planners, Operation Healing Forces has started a pilot program designed to help families from the Special Operations community create a long range financial plan for themselves and their families for the remainder of their military career as well as the their transition to retirement or civilian careers.

Legal Assistance Program

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Operation Healing Forces and Foley Lardner LLP are developing a resource to assist Special Operations families with legal needs such as real estate matters, general business matters, contractor agreements, estate planning including will and trusts, probate, guardianships, immigration matters, income tax controversy matters, and general litigation issues.

The SOAR program will provide the initial assessment and referral for all OHF families.

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Discover personalized coaching sessions tailored to empower the Special Operations Forces community. These private, virtual sessions cover mental, emotional, physical, career, and family well-being. With expert coaches specializing in areas such as stress management, professional growth, relationship enhancement, and health optimization, participants can find the perfect coach for their unique goals, at a time and place that suits them best.

Employment Services, Retreats, Financial Planning, Virtual Wellness Coaching and Alumni Support are all at no cost to participants.

Powered in part by Wounded Warrior Project

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for the SOAR program?

All service members, Veterans, and their families from the Special Operations community are eligible for SOAR programs.

How does your selection process work?

While many program requests come from the USSOCOM Warrior Care Program (Care Coalition), requests can be made from the SOF community on our website or emailed to [email protected]. Every SOAR request is reviewed and vetted by our program staff on a case-by-case basis. OHF remains committed to helping every SOF family find the resources they need most.

Are family members supported in the SOAR program?

Yes, spouses and children from the Special Operations community are also supported by the SOAR program.

What are some examples of what Immediate Needs covers?

The Immediate Needs program covers travel and expenses related to medical emergencies for Service Members, Veterans, and their families, medical and adaptive equipment not covered by government means, funeral and memorials costs not covered by government means including family travel, relief or respite care for full-time caregivers, one-time financial assistance related to transition or employment opportunities including travel, and other as needed crisis support for families including emergency financial support.

How long does it take for OHF to respond to a request for support?

Typically, immediate needs requests are answered within hours. Complex cases requiring additional info, verification, or approval may take longer 1-2 days.

What constitutes the Special Operations Community?

Special Operations Forces (SOF) are known as the Rangers, Green Berets, Night Stalkers, Delta Force, SEALS, Air Force Special Tactics, and Marine Raiders but there are other SOF that you rarely or may never hear mentioned. Each branch of the United States Armed Forces has its own Special Operations units. The parent command of all SOF is U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), which is headquartered at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida. Comprising only about 3.5 percent of Department of Defense personnel, SOF are reportedly working in up to 76 countries on any given day, and they’re tasked with carrying out the military’s most secretive and specialized missions.

Whom do you share personal information with?

We will never share your information with any third party outside of our organization, other than as necessary to fulfill your request, e.g. contact with United States Special Operations Command’s Care Coalition if the request originated with them. We take every precaution to protect your information as your privacy and security is our priority. When you submit sensitive information via the website, your information is protected both online and offline. Wherever we collect sensitive information, that information is encrypted and transmitted to us in a secure way. For more information regarding privacy, please review the privacy and donor privacy policy found on our website under documents.


Want to know more about the immediate needs program or other SOAR programs?