Special Operations

The Quiet Professionals

Special Operations Forces (SOF) is known as the Tip of the Spear of our nation’s military. They are composed of Army Rangers, Green Berets, Night Stalkers, and Delta Force, Navy SEALS and SWCC, Air Force Special Tactics, and Marine Raiders.

Each branch of the United States Armed Forces has its own Special Operations units. The parent command of all SOF is U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), which is headquartered at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida. Comprising only about 3.5 percent of Department of Defense personnel, SOF are reportedly working in up to 80 countries on any given day, and they’re tasked with carrying out the military’s most secretive and specialized missions.

SOF missions are characterized as extreme in risk, precise in execution, and able to deliver a high payoff, the impacts of which will be felt for decades. Special Operators are entrusted to perform missions that exceed the authority given to conventional military units. Often called the “quiet professionals”, they are continually “trained for certainty, while being educated for uncertainty”— a hallmark of SOF.

Excerpts from https://fas.org/irp/agency/dod/socom/ref-2015.pdf and http://index.heritage.org/military/2015/important-essays-analysis/importance-special-operations-forces-today-going-forward

SOF by the Numbers

On average, Special Operators are or have:


Average age of 31


Married with 2 children


8 years of experience with conventional military forces prior to Special Operations selection


Minimum of 2 or more years of specialized training to be mission-ready and undergo extensive, continuing education

SOF State of Affairs

  • The increasing global need is outpacing SOF’s ability to grow resulting in more frequent and violent deployments.
  • SOF are delaying retirement and deploying with illnesses and injuries. For example, one Navy SEAL received cancer treatments between his 8th-9th and 9th-10th deployments.
  • SOF experience more musculoskeletal injuries than general military services.
  • Every front-line special operator experiences some degree of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
  • Many special operators suffer from the effects of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).
  • Divorce rates are escalating at an alarming rate due to the constant deployments and negative effects of those deployments on the service member and their families.
  • Depression and suicide rates are up sharply amongst SOF.
  • Cancer rates are higher in SOF than in the civilian population.
  • SOF is not considered “boots on the ground” hence their classified operations are rarely reported, nor their casualties.
  • SOF has been in a state of combat and foreign assistance deployments since 9/11.
  • Although roughly 3.5% of the entire Department of Defense, SOF have the highest casualty rates amongst all the services (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard).



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